sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin has created quite a stir in this country. I have already recieved over 5magazines with her on the cover. America love´s Sarah Palin!
And I ask myself, but WHY????
She is a beautiful and sucessful woman. She apparently has the perfect American family and the perfect conservative values. She is vital and a "maverick". I´m sure these are all great characteristics, but do they make her the perfect vice-presindential nominee for MCain?
I am a working mother, and I believe women have the right to balance work and family. But, there are jobs that make this balance very akward, and being the vice-president of the U.S., can hardly be a 9-5 job. Is it fair to leave your kids with their father and nannies? Sure. Does this make you a terrible mother? No. Does this make you the best mother in the world and is it admirable? No, not that either. So, it seems to me it is totally contradictory to advertise yourself as a family woman while in the process of applying for one of the most difficult and time consuming jobs that exist. If you go to Wall Street and apply to be an investment banker, and you tell the interviewer you have 5 children, one of which has down syndrome, and how your main priority is your family, you would most likely never get a call back. Why is the vice-presidential seat any different?
Everybody complains and bitches about how Sarah Palin´s family should not be touched and it is unfair to talk about them in the media. Yes, that is true. But what kind of a mother puts her pregnant 17 year old daughter infront of the media to suffer her unwed pregnancy in the public eye, to further her own political ambition? Wasn´t her family her first priority?
How can the mother of a pregnant teenager endorse the "abstinence only" way of birth control? Isn´t she a living proof that this does not work?
And worst of all, the few interviews that Palin has granted over the past few weeks show she has no idea whatsoever about foreign policy, or even McCain´s ideas and proposals. The SNL kit says it all "but I can see Russia from my house!".
When will America grow up, and stop admiring people just because they present a "wholesome" image, even if it is totaly contradictory? Having conservative values does not give you the wisdom, experience and intelligence to run the most powerful country in the world. Being a good mom does not make you a good politician. Being beautiful does not make you anything but nice to look at.
If she were not running for vice-president I might admire her. As she is, she terrifies me. I think having a hockey mom with her finger so close to the red button is one of the scariest things that can happen.
I never planned to vote for McCain, but I do find him to be a respectable candidate. I don´t endorse most of his ideas, but I see how they represent a large part of the U.S. population. His choice of running mate has stunned and disappointed me greatly. It seems like a cheap shot to win the highly conservative vote and the Clinton base at the same time. I think (I hope!) this will be a decision he will deeply regret.

3 comentarios:

Chimichambo dijo...

From what I've seen she's not even qualified to be a good mother. But you might as well get used to her, because she'll be your next vicepresident and probably your next president as well (and that means in effect the president of most of the world). I wish at least I could find her as beautiful as you do...

Momert dijo...

Why do you hate me so much?
To be honest, I don't find her so beautiful, but everybody says she's hot.

Chimichambo dijo...

Maybe she was a few scores ago.